Agree! I rank DM as the highest risk for ASCVD! If we can lower triglycerides and VLDL cholesterol with low-carb diet, then we theoretically decrease the possibility of the VLDL becoming small dense LDL, decrease risk of damage (oxidation) of the LDL particle and likely invading the blood vessel wall in an inflammatory way preventing badness. After I switched to low-carb, high-fat, my total and LDL cholesterol jumped up massively, but my triglycerides and VLDL are quite low. I had a coronary calcium score for my own information and it is zero and I am 53 years old. Suffice it to say, I will not be taking a statin medication. You will find this humorous, my 2nd labwork was performed at a different lab than my first. At the bottom of my lab printout it stated, consider workup for familial hypercholesterolemia.