Elon Musk, IMF, and BRICS Express Concerns About Rising US Debt and its Impact on the Global Economy =============== #56f9a6a2 ver:0.22 Elon Musk, IMF, and BRICS express concerns about rising US debt and its impact on the global economy. The IMF warns about the potential devaluation of the dollar and its impact on global markets. BRICS is actively working towards reducing dependence on the dollar. Central banks are increasing their gold reserves as a hedge against the risks associated with the dollar. The warnings highlight the need for caution and diversified investing. JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon predicts a fate similar to that of 1973 for the US economy. Collaboration and proactive measures are crucial to protect the economy. #USdebt #globalmarkets #BRICS #dollardevaluation... #newstr #UsDebt #UsDollar #GlobalEconomy #ElonMusk #Imf #Brics https://here.news/story/56f9a6a2?ver=0.22