I honestly have no idea what you’re trying to say here 😂 https://media1.tenor.com/m/QBswmjpVu84AAAAC/napolean-dynamite-idk.gif
what you are saying that if i don't spend time and my attention on nostr consuming content, then i don't advocate for it nor care about it
Yes and that is true. What you spend your time and attention on are truly the things you care about, regardless of what you say you care about.
so, when you use the dollar to pay for things, you truly care about the FED? it's not so simple
i'm just trying to argue the point, that just because you like the tech, doesn't mean you find any content here that gathers your attention, making you want to spend time here scrolling around
You’re here using nostr. You’ve been an active user of nostr for as long as I have I think. You go to Nostr conferendes. You clearly care about it. What are you even talking about?
Fucking hell Tanel stop being such a pedant 🤣🤣
i'm not trying to be right here i'm just curious about how you think, bc you have an interesting mind and way of explaining things hope i didn't come across the wrong way, just a friendly discussion
I love our discussions when they happen 😂🫂 Pardon my abrasiveness.
it's okay, you're direct and honest about what you think and stand for, which i like a lot 🤗 this is getting abstract and further from your initial post, but for example: let's say you start making and selling t-shirts, that i'm not a big fan of, but i do care about you. is me not buying your shirts showing that i do not care about you?
Did you take the time to look at the shirts? Since you care, will you tell someone else about those shirts that might like them? Will you check back to see if shirts come is your size or different designs later?
this is getting so abstract, i'm getting dizzy 😆 hmm, what i'm saying is that i can like and support him building his business vocally, without wearing the shirt not consuming content (wearing the shirt) ≠ not caring about the folks creating content on nostr (them building their shirt business) i can dislike the designs and not wear them, yet still be in support of his business i hope i got my point across 🤗
I’m not thinking that granularly when I said that, but rather more generally, as in where or what you choose to focus your time/energy/attention on in life. Think of it a little like relationships. If you tell someone you care about them, but you seldom contact them or see them, then you don’t mean what you said and reality is you probably actually care about someone other than them. However, it doesn’t mean you never talk to anyone else, or that every person you talk to is the person you deeply care for.