I hear you, but unless you wage a war to abolish the current system of government, we're stuck with them. Whether you acknowledge them or not they determine taxes on everything you buy, import, earn, fill up, etc, can throw you in jail for not wearing a mask, etc. Route around them, by all means, just expect to get Ulbricht'd or Samorai'd. The main way to change who occupies that seat and determines those things is through elections, or war. South Africa is somewhat unique in that we're going to be led by coalition, most likely, so not necessarily "by decree". More voices are represented, more checks are in place, more common sense should prevail, it isn't just one party steamrolling us anymore. Will it be messy, absolutely, all those obnoxious characters battling for their own way, but I'd rather have what more closely represents multiple people coming to an agreement than just one party having their way. Even the DA sucks, I don't want gender-neutral bathrooms for my teenagers, and if the DA had their way in Covid I probably wouldn't even be alive right now.