What centralized tool? I'm not trying to be arrogant here, I'm just almost totally ignorant about what you are talking about. There are three layers here. Protocol, Relay and Client. If someone wants to build something at the client level, there has to be something at the relay level that gives the code the hooks to grab. And that means there has to be something at the protocol layer that allows those hooks to exist. Just because one programmer wants to add those hooks and functionality to a client doesn't mean that others are required to do so, it's an open system.
If you don't want to use functionality that someone else puts into the infrastructure layer, don't. It's that simple. But you can't stop code from developing and changing in ways that you might not like in an open system. If you do, then what you are doing is forking it and splitting the community into the silos and gates that we are all trying to break out of in the first place.
I am NOT a coder. I'm using language and metaphors to the best of my ability to express my views on things that I honestly have a surface level understanding of at best. If I'm being a total nuube and not understanding your concern, then try again to explain it. Because I'm not seeing it.