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 "Have you ever wondered why they don't teach kids to write in cursive anymore?"
And no, it's not a coincidence that they tend to use it less and less.
Writing in cursive means translating thoughts into words; it forces you not to take your hand off the paper.
A thought-stimulating effort, that allows you to associate ideas, tie them and put them into relation.
Not by any chance the word cursive comes from the Latin «currere», which runs, which flows, because the thought is winged, runs, flies.
Of course cursive has no place in today's world, a world that does its best to slow down the development of thought, to stuff it.
Think that cursive was born in Italy and then spread all over the world.
Why ?
Because it was compact, elegant, clear writing. Because it connects neural pathways that are only 
connected in this way. And because AI cannot read it." -Susan Ottesen