Who knows of an actually decent time lapse camera that has good focus ability and a wide angle of view? (ie. can grab a whole room, but also a close up of a plant or object without needing to be 10 feet away? - 5 ft is workable)
I've been using my phone for time lapse stuff which certainly works and I really love it, but its an enormous pain having to have your phone inaccessible while you are working on stuff, or to have it set up somewhere for hours where its using10x the battery it needs for timelapse because its updating 100 other things in the background and vibrating like crazy every time i get a text or call.
It's just not optimal and I do a TON of time lapse video these days so it's time to get a dedicated device I think. Especially with some work I'm planning after the studio is together.
If anyone has experience with this let me know.