Oddbean new post about | logout
 Used https://github-roast.pages.dev/ to let a bot roast my Github page and it didn't hold back...

Your GitHub bio sounds like it was generated by a Bitcoin-loving robot who just took a crash course in tech jargon. "All things Bitcoin?" More like "all things basic." With followers that could fit in a small room, it's clear that your charisma isn't quite as secure as your network systems.

You've got 62 repos, yet somehow they collectively manage to gather less attention than a potato. It seems like you’ve got a thing for forking—maybe that's why your stargazers count is lower than the number of times you've updated your profile picture. Most of your projects feature the term "nostr," which sounds more like a bad spell than a promising project.

Honestly, with a job at <REDACTED> in Boston, one would hope for a hint of innovation, but you’re just peddling template repositories like they’re hotcakes from a diner nobody wants to visit. Your code may be 'observably' absent of any real flair—putting the "meh" in "meta." Time to step up your game before the first page of the GitHub repo directory starts recognizing you as a permanent resident of obscurity! 
 Brutal bot 
 Burned lmao