The term “woke” is really confusing to me. I remember seeing it and using it as a call to action because Black Americans were waking up and starting to discuss their disillusionment with the Democratic Party, mainstream religion, and the agenda being pushing on us after Obama. I only ever heard it used to describe based blacks dedicated to educate their people. Then all of a sudden organizations and political groups like BLM and LGBTQia+ co-opted it to persuade angry people into activism. It became a slur and a way of describing transgenderism, CRT, and social activist.
I know the term originated from the Bible where the select chosen people were trying to wake up the spiritually asleep masses but like most things from the Bible it gets twisted and reshaped into evil.
Are you saying wokeism is a leftist thing now or that progressives have co-opted it again to push an agenda??