Social credit score will become a thing in the US.
Over time more and more things will affect it beyond your financial situation.
Driving record. What you drive, frequency and distance.
What you watch on TV
Your political bias.
Your religion.
Your evaluations at work.
Your children’s report cards and evaluations at school.
Your carbon footprint. The square footage of your house. The amount of electricity you consume.
Total garbage you throw out each week - based on weight.
The social credit score of your friends will have an effect on your score.
In time, you will be able to earn social credit points by being a snitch. For example, reporting someone who is running a side business from their home without government approval. Or reporting someone who waters their lawn too frequently. This will cause suspicion and even division among lifelong friends.
The ability to obtain certain jobs will require various levels of social credit scores.
Many people will live the social credit score system and many will despise it. It will cause commotion and division until it is accepted. People will learn to game the system over time just like a financial credit score.