As I said the act of measurement (which requires interaction with what is being measured) in QM collapses the wave function. The premise is it requires some an observer.
QM precisely predicts the working of the universe: there is no question on it; the physical interpretation is questionable, but there is no analogy (of human experience) to explain the working of sub atomic particles.
Science advances one funeral at the time. Einstein proved the working of universe was different than what Newton predicted, but newton’s law works in the human scale.
Also, we know what photons are capable of to a great degree, there is always some uncertainty as Heisenberg aptly pointed out.
Also science teaches us to question everything (just like bitcoin), like the speed of light, but no hypothesis has been proven which builds more confidence on the max speed is the speed of light in the universe; that doesn’t mean we cannot perturb space time (time warp, etc)
To sum it all, you might say its subjective but some things are not like the shape of the earth, the speed of light, the value of pi, the fine structure constant.
I only pointed out flaw in the argument of buddha’s initial post that electron “knowing” it is observed. Or that we have energy access on the other-side because high entropy energy is unusable.