Oddbean new post about | logout
Gigi | 19 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +102 -1
 That's what we do. https://image.nostr.build/397ec28be814f4ec098cf20a695a45cd8dbe084a8fcc60c60592cdfb5ff02c6e.jpg 
 Only one way out... Forward. 
 God* is what?  
 "Keine Rast, nur vorwärtsstreben
Am Ufer winkt Unendlichkeit
Gefangen so im Fluss der Zeit" 
 Hang in there brother gigi! FORWARD! 
 Forward 💪 
 Onward, always 🫡 
 always keep moving forward 🔥 
 the sentence that has helped me survive the horror of existence 

“keep moving forward”