I’ve done 3,400 pushups the last 34 days. I’m overweight and getting older each day. Back on day 3, I over worked myself trying to do pushups like I had done them ‘back in the day.’ I took the day off because my body said no. I made up for that day by doing a few more pushups a few days later and modifying HOW I was doing my pushups; off countertops, desks, tailgates, walls. Additionally, I would vary the wide, narrow, and normal arm stance and do slow and ultra slow speeds. Yesterday, I listened to @jackspirko on #TheSurvivalPodcast episode 3455 “freedom from fatness” and remembered his note from a few days ago warning the people doing the #100aDayTil100k and #100aDayUntil100k about injuries from doing the repetitive movements day after day. Today, I’ve decided to modify this challenge again. I’m adding 100 squats, 100-200 lunges, and 100 sit-ups to the mix. I hope this prevents injury and allows my body to repair itself. I know this is working for me because I’ve lost more weight in the last 34 days than the past 6 years. ✅ Day 35 done! 100 squats and I’m walking sore. Thank you #nostr and #tsp for pushing me kicking and screaming down yet another rabbit hole!