I haven't used value transformers before. Im going to look into them though.
Right now I have a handful of models that I create from events as they come in, then store them into SwiftData, but that code is getting overly complicated. So before I dig too deep Im experimenting with something that may or may not work.
Instead of having all these different SwiftData models, Im simply storing a single model for the event. Almost as it would be stored on a relay. One addition to the model is that I serialize the tags into a single special formatted string since trying to use a predicate on nested arrays might get messy.
The idea is that this keeps my data model more simple as well as code path where I store these events.
Then I will use the queries to map the stored event's into their more detailed object where needed.
The unknown I have now is if doing this will cause too much overhead on the UI. I just don't know yet, but my code is early enough that I can try it and if it works as I hope it does it simplifies the code around this a lot.