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 the study of the stars 
have never disappoint
supreme intellect

the astrologist

wizard giant precursor
Newton the alchemist

by the study of Triangles
esoteria cosmos unlocked

key ardent study 
difficult diagrams

each celestial body
& compisitions
emit unique energy

distance primary scalar
to energy received

distance unique 
each point in space
obtain perspective

thus astrology need 
vast understanding cosmos
accurate calculation perspective

influence of the heavens
upon an object in space
require local observation

genius must observe
on location
yet able calculate 

destiny only require
nudeness of man
therefore a study 
by mans own sense

use of mechanical
use of instrument
changes perspective
shift may dilute read

effusive details distract
unnatural zoom blur focus

man meant to understand
entirely simple & plain
construct intricate design

tools of proclus
detailed by regiomontanus
foundation astrology

advanced instruments
may assist not supplant

demand exist of
elite in astrology
& mathematics

bloom modern day
unicorn miracle
ancient being
to be born again

demand exist
unicorn sorceror
observe for a time
on site location 

kingly gift

not king of current
mind almighty all time

may the dynasties 
to be born again
cultivate garden
able bloom wizard

caz yall ingrates
neglect unicorn
into a cactus
prophet curse

who will grow
atop legendary
mountain kadath
where no man
known tread
and no traveler
brave since centuries

who nurture such
inherit a bounty
transcend blessing
current life into
flourish subsequent 

bloom rare flower
tend wise granny

come let us build
not closed priestcraft
only open school Aristotle  
to wise wanderer Confucius