Wow my outlook on war sure has changed the last few years. As I ponder on the huge #sacrifice that we assumed was paid for the liberation of people only to realize that like the pandemic was nothing more then a ruse to make rich and powerful men more rich and powerful and we the #plebs were nothing more then peons. Some more so then others.
The horrors of sending your best and brightest to the meat grinder to pound out of history the same principles that ended Abraham Lincoln, William Garfield, William McKinley, AH, J.F.K. and the entire Tsarist government.
What are these principles? Issue #currency from the nations #treasury or from the peoples bank to finance government projects.
Josiah Stamps said, "remove the power of the pen to create money and vast fortunes like mine will disappear like the vapor they are."
We will remember the bankers that funded the wars. We will remember the blood that was needlessly shed to bring us to heel. We will remember that the power to issue currency truly lies with the people! We #will #remember that #Bitcoin showed the way.
Now we must retake the power to issue our own currency and use it to rebuild our regions! Decentralize this power to all municipalities!