As you say the shift is inevitable
But there are image rights out if AI
And I am sure there will be voice rights. I do not give permission to my image or my sound to ve used. And as author I may have my right.
People are sending to spotify songs sung by the voice of famous people and marketing their image without permission. So I sm afraid some protection in needed or at least exoand what is the concept if image rights. Because people do not know the current (non ail intellectual property rights.
Some models are made feeding the images if a particular artist and they mimic tto perfection and recognizable ways.
I draw and I make music and I sm not saying I eould never use it because ket us face it we would be in disadvantage pretty soon, precisely artists may have thevway to use it to create rather than regurgitating.
Not whining it is what it is, rarely progress go back as scary as it seems.