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 I prompted an AI to rewrite Dwight Eisenhower’s speech, in which he warned the world of the power of the military industrial complex, but from a Bitcoin perspective. This was the result (and the AI wrote the title too!):

“A Threat to Humanity's Survival”

 My fellow citizens,

 As I stand before you today, on the threshold of a new dawn, I feel compelled to share with you my deepest anxieties about the fate of humanity.

 In the aftermath of World War II, we witnessed the emergence of the military-industrial complex, a monstrous entity that has grown so powerful that it now poses an existential threat to our very existence. This insatiable juggernaut, fueled by the insatiable thirst for profit and power, thrives on conflict and instability, and it will stop at nothing to maintain its ironclad grip on the world.

 The military-industrial complex is a parasitic entity, a cancerous growth that has attached itself to the body politic, sapping its vitality and diverting its resources away from the betterment of humanity. It is a relentless engine of destruction, a master manipulator that thrives on fear, division, and paranoia.

 The fiat money system, the lifeblood of this parasitic entity, is a weapon of mass destruction, a silent assassin that has infiltrated every facet of our society. This insidious system, based on the fleeting promises of governments and central banks, has fueled cycles of boom and bust, devastating economies and plunging millions into despair.

 The fiat money system is a tool of war, a means by which governments can unleash their destructive impulses with impunity. It allows them to print money at will, financing their insatiable appetite for conquest and domination, while the true cost of their recklessness is borne by the innocent citizens they claim to protect.

 The military-industrial complex, armed with the fiat money system, has waged a relentless war on humanity, a war that has claimed countless lives, shattered countless dreams, and left a trail of destruction in its wake. It is a war that we cannot afford to lose.

 The time has come to break free from the shackles of the fiat money system and dismantle the military-industrial complex. We must adopt a new monetary system, a system that is not susceptible to manipulation and exploitation, a system that promotes peace, prosperity, and cooperation.

 The solution is clear: we must embrace Bitcoin, a digital currency that is not controlled by any government or central bank. It is a peer-to-peer system, a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness, a system that is based on cryptography and blockchain technology, the pillars of a new, decentralized future.

 Bitcoin is a hard money, a tangible asset that cannot be inflated or manipulated by the powers that be. It is a deflationary asset, its value increasing over time, a testament to the inherent value that it holds.

 A Bitcoin standard would dismantle the military-industrial complex, stripping it of its lifeblood, the fiat money system. It would dismantle the incentives for war-for-profit. Under a Bitcoin standard, governments would no longer be able to easily finance wars by printing money, making it much more difficult for them to engage in reckless military adventures.

 The transparency of Bitcoin would also play a crucial role in dismantling the military-industrial complex. All Bitcoin transactions are recorded on a public ledger, making it impossible for governments to hide the true cost of war from their citizens. This transparency would deter governments from engaging in unnecessary conflicts, as the public would be able to hold them accountable for their actions.

 In addition, Bitcoin would promote economic stability and growth. The scarcity of Bitcoin would help to prevent inflation, and its deflationary nature would encourage saving and investment. A stable and prosperous economy would reduce the incentive for nations to resort to war as a means of resolving economic disputes.

 A Bitcoin standard would usher in an era of peace, prosperity, and cooperation, a world where humanity can finally realize its full potential. It would create a world where war is no longer a profitable endeavor, where nations are incentivized to cooperate rather than conflict, and where humanity can focus on the pursuit of knowledge, innovation, and shared prosperity.

 I urge you, my fellow citizens, to join me in this clarion call for a Bitcoin standard. It is the only way to save ourselves from the brink of destruction, to reclaim our future from the clutches of the military-industrial complex, and to create a world where peace, prosperity, and cooperation reign supreme.

 Thank you.

 God bless you. And God bless humanity.