The fighters are there weapon in hand standing ready to fight.
The sniper has already shot someone from a location unknown. The missile launcher has launched a weapon that struck a target.
The platform is one of notes, conversations, speech, videos, art, music, content.
The weapon on this battle field is free speech, staying silent does nothing.
Speaking less does not mean being silent. Freedom of speech does not require everyone to speak all the time. Freedom of speech means that no one can stop you from speaking when you want to. This is the true value of nostr.
As long as they join and use nostr, they are the biggest supporters of nostr. If you observe carefully, you will find these users who rarely post. Many of them are snipers and missile launchers 🚀.
In any case, nostr is growing 🤙
What is speech, when no one is listening. I think @Moss is right in saying that the audience contributes by being a medium that will reflect, absorb, or transmute the speech. The mouth and the ear are symbiotic.
Nostr is the auditorium in which the audience can hear and examine