I’ve written plenty of notes on this. I believe the US Empire is going to start dollarising vassal states as a means of spreading inflation and effectively growing the tax base - if you want to be under the US Security umbrella, that will be the price. Because BRICS is going to split off and form its own orbit and BTC will be the wedge between them for nations/people which don’t want to be all in either polarity - that’s just going to eat away at both slowly over time.
There is also a chance the US tries to peg the dollar to Bitcoin in its attempts to stop the full collapse of empire. Currently remote but that’s a scenario that more Bitcoiners ought consider - forced hyperbitcoinisation in a way that none of us want it.
If you’re arguing BTC won’t be the only MoE on planet earth in our lifetimes or the next - sure. That is an incredibly narrow definition of MoE and isn’t what Saylor is arguing.
It’s going to be a widely used MoE within 20 years, just not everywhere. More like how 7/8 of the world never had access to cable tv but now have access to internet streaming - it’s going to skip a bunch of legacy system bullshit in a way that Westerners struggle to appreciate.