I've been playing around with fabric: https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric
for a little while now, and it's awesome. Since the underlying software got converted to go, I decided to write my own little web UI on top of it for summarizing and keeping track of youtube videos.
Here's a little demo - You can paste in a youtube video, and it will go out and get the transcript for it.
You can then go to the video page and select and model and a pattern to use on the video - in this example I'm using the gpt-4o model and the summary type. However you can have this run against a local LLM as well (basically anything fabric supports).
My workflow here can now be that I'll just grab youtube videos that _might_ interest me. I can then get summarizes, extract_wisdom, or rate the video. Once I read through those, I can decide if the video is actually worth my time, or if I'm fine with skipping it.
Ideally I'd release this as a binary that anyone can run on their computer. Your own personal youtube time saver!
#ai #fabric #go #youtube #savetime