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 ***"Without cheap, reliable, and plentiful energy, our civilization would grind to a halt, and billions of people would be condemned to poverty and premature death."*** 

*Alex Epstein*

Energy is the foundation of modern civilization, powering our homes, industries, and economic progress. As technology advances, our energy demands increase, making the pursuit of sustainable and abundant energy sources more critical than ever. The [Kardashev Scale](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev_scale), which measures a civilization’s advancement based on its energy consumption, provides a unique perspective on energy's importance. A Type I civilization harnesses all the energy available on its home planet, while a Type II civilization controls the energy of its entire solar system, and a Type III civilization commands energy on a galactic scale. These concepts, though theoretical, underscore that energy is not just a resource but a measure of a civilization's ability to thrive.

Despite this reality, there is an ongoing war against energy, often masked by climate action and environmental protection. Policies like Germany’s [“Energiewende”](https://www.bmwk-energiewende.de/EWD/Redaktion/EN/Newsletter/2015/01/Meldung/topthema-the-energy-transition.html) (Energy Transition) aim to have at least 80% of electricity come from renewable sources by 2050, with nuclear power being phased out. Yet, the long-term sustainability of this plan is questionable. For instance, the [recent demolition](https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2024/08/17/germanys-grafenrheinfeld-nuclear-power-plant-demolished-after-short-delay) of Grafenrheinfeld, Germany’s oldest nuclear power plant, which supplied over 11% of Bavaria’s energy needs, reflects this misguided approach.

The root problem lies in the flawed belief that large-scale energy consumption is inherently destructive to the environment, driving policies like Energiewende, [“Net Zero](https://netzeroclimate.org/what-is-net-zero-2/),” and the ["just energy transition."](https://90by2030.org.za/just-energy-transition/) These well-intentioned initiatives risk exacerbating global energy poverty. Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where over [600 million people](https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/operations/our-insights/solving-africas-infrastructure-paradox) live without electricity, is a cautionary tale of the devastating impact of [energy scarcity](https://www.iea.org/reports/africa-energy-outlook-2022/key-findings). Alex Epstein, author of[ Fossil Future](https://www.amazon.com/Fossil-Future-Flourishing-Requires-Gas-Not/dp/0593420411), summarized this phenomenon perfectly when he said, *“The pursuit of alternative energy sources is valuable, but it must be driven by the goal of improving human life, not by an ideological commitment to reducing our impact on the planet."* In other words, economic prosperity is unattainable where energy poverty persists, yet Bitcoin mining, a proven solution to fostering energy innovation, is unjustly vilified for its energy consumption. 

This is due to false claims, such as [allegations](https://www.coindesk.com/business/2023/11/30/bitcoin-going-from-boiling-the-oceans-to-draining-them-according-to-critic/) that each Bitcoin transaction uses as much water as a swimming pool or [consumes ](https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/bitcoin-mining-energy-use-doubled-in-2023-as-crypto-prices-rose-79854382)as much energy as a U.S. household in a month.These misleading reports persist due to widespread ignorance about Bitcoin mining's mechanics and the misconception that all energy-intensive operations are harmful to the environment. [Alana Mediavilla](https://www.alanamediavilla.com/)'s documentary [*Dirty Coin*](https://www.dirtycointhemovie.com/) *(DC)* is one of the best productions that accurately analyzes the Bitcoin mining industry, educating viewers on how Bitcoin mining supports energy innovation and drives the development of sustainable energy systems. From monetizing stranded energy in Africa to methane capture from landfills, *DC* showcases human ingenuity in a compelling way.

![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fc6322fb2-299e-4b6b-be31-431d2c34566d_1600x900.png)### **Bitcoin Mining: Catalyzing Energy Innovation**

One compelling case study in *DC* is a paper mill in Finland repurposed into a Bitcoin mining facility. This isn’t just any mining operation; the excess heat from the mining rigs is captured and used to provide [district heating ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_heating)for over 11,000 residents. [Finland burns](https://researchpod.org/earth-environment/environmental-and-health-impacts-of-residential-wood-combustion) around 30 million cubic meters of solid wood fuels annually for heating, generating approximately 60 terawatt-hours (TWh) of energy. This innovative recycling of heat not only reduces energy costs but also [preserves Finland’s forests](https://forestdefenders.eu/yes-finland-is-devouring-its-forests-for-biomass-fuel/) by reducing reliance on wood burning. Critics of Bitcoin mining often ignore these environmental benefits, either out of ignorance or because they don’t fit their narratives.

Another example from the Netherlands highlights how excess heat from Bitcoin mining rigs is used to heat greenhouses, reducing reliance on natural gas—especially crucial given the rising costs due to geopolitical tensions like the war in Ukraine. This collaboration not only supports local agriculture but also lowers food prices by providing a cheaper heating alternative.

These examples demonstrate how Bitcoin mining, when integrated with local energy systems, can drive innovation and support sustainable energy solutions without creating energy deficits. By providing consistent demand for electricity, Bitcoin mining can make renewable energy projects financially viable, particularly in regions where traditional energy markets fall short. *DC* isn’t just a film about Bitcoin mining; it shows that energy production and consumption can be done responsibly.

### **The Role of Abundant Energy in Economic Performance and Quality of Life**

Abundant energy drives industrial growth, fosters innovation, and enhances living standards. In regions with limited access to energy, economic opportunities are stifled, and poverty persists. Conversely, areas that invest in energy infrastructure—especially decentralized, renewable energy—experience significant economic uplift. Bitcoin mining offers a unique opportunity to accelerate this process. In a separate interview, [Jesse Pielke](https://x.com/jesse_hodl), CEO of [Hashrate Up, ](https://hashrateup.com/)noted that Africa’s untapped energy potential, combined with Bitcoin mining, could create energy abundance that transforms the continent's economic landscape. The integration of Bitcoin mining with decentralized mini-grids, powered by renewable sources, offers a resilient and adaptable solution to local needs. These mini-grids not only provide electricity but also help monetize stranded energy, turning what was once waste into a valuable resource.

*DC* also highlights real-world examples of this dynamic. In Malawi, surplus hydroelectric power is used to mine Bitcoin, providing a stable income for local communities. This model not only supports economic development but also contributes to energy security and sustainability.

### **Embracing the Energy Evolution**

As we face the challenges of the 21st century, it's crucial to recognize the role of energy in shaping our society. Bitcoin mining, often misunderstood and criticized, is emerging as a key player in this journey. *DC* illustrates how Bitcoin mining can drive energy innovation, support local economies, and contribute to developing new energy sources, including nuclear power. The film is an essential guide for understanding how to incentivize energy innovation and inspire future innovators to develop new energy infrastructure without relying on subsidies or handouts.