Hello, please see our previous writings, under the article "4 reasons monero won't die"
The corrupt Biden administration’s unwinnable war in Ukraine has bankrupted the nation. Even mainstream propaganda outlets such as The Guardian, Reuters, and the BBC reported on leaked audio of Barrack Obama’s head of Ukraine policy Victoria Nuland. [9a] This leaked phone call revealed that the US backed an illegal and violent coup of Ukraine’s Democratically elected leader. [9b] The Obama administration admitted the leaked audio was true, which demonstrated the US picked the supposedly democratically elected leaders that resulted from their planned uprising. [9c][6]
Funding Nazis
Barrack Obama funded violent Nazis to overthrow Ukraine’s government. [11a] The media tries to brainwash voters by calling it “Russian propaganda”, but the evidence is clear in an FBI indictment of Americans involved that’s posted on the New York Times website. [12b] To quote from journalist Max Blumenthal:
“… an unsealed FBI indictment of four American white supremacists from the Rise Above Movement (RAM) declared that the defendants had trained with Ukraine’s Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi militia” [12a]