I’m in for 50K sats to get this prioritized.
Always appreciate a bounty as an incentive and signal to the devs how important an issue is. For context we have had 6 and 7 digit sats bounties open for over half a year.
I’m not bankrolled like that. I guess just keep it in the mix until it can be done, but it’s a core part of the UX and I think not should be a priority fix.
Why is no one claiming them or contributing?? I’d like to look at what i can do -
I still think q is cleaner. When using e tags and markers clients are forced to pull down quotes when pulling the thread, which is a waste of bandwidth.
But yes we can filter them out using markers, but clients should be doing the right thing here and not wasting peoples bandwidth by using q tags
Oh, I never thought of it that way. That’s a good point. Has anyone proposed this as an amendment to NIP-18?
Yeah it will be pretty important for popular posts. No i don’t think it has been proposed yet.
Rise up q bros
Instead of q tags, just send the event ID to a proprietary cloud service and make it create a screenshot of the post, which you then upload as an image to nostr.build and insert the URL into the content with a giant hash and no imeta tag. Problem solved.