I get that a lot, thank you for acknowledging 😇
People seem to hang on to what works for them and of course it’s easy to forget what exceeds your grasp.
I think it’s easy to generalize about the herd and think of it as a big dumb animal which is kind of what that comment represents to me. A dumb animal made up of dumb animals would be the extension of that assumption which we all know is completely untrue. People are beautiful and smart in lots of different ways appearances and stereotypes can’t even begin to comprehend let alone represent.
But it’s far easier to forget all that and say something really pessimistic that now I hope you will view differently, as a stratifying phrase that the speaker or writer usually uses to elevate oneself and invite those around to also elevate themselves above the dumb group… well. I think humanity is a box you can’t elevate yourself out of. The sooner the better we stop perpetuating such disbelief in our collective, in my opinion.
Love to all who find these words ❤️