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 it's death for anyone on most parts of the planet, only well chosen and constructed refuges and spacecraft will be able to survive this

in ancient american tribal stories there is one about a time when the sun "turned evil" and became very bright and burned everything and other stories about "fire dragons fighting across the sky and turning everything they flew over into ash"

it's called a micro-nova, and these are starting to become better understood as more of them have been found in the sky

first they explode, and for maybe weeks fry everything with powerful UV light and then the material that is blown off the sun floats around for the next 1000 years or so, some of it aggregates into big globs, solidifies and then pummels the planets

and before that, the sign it is coming is stuff like this, the animals magnetic navigation systems screw up their whole map of the world, the auroras increase in intensity and how far to the equator they cover, rates of cancer and heart disease dramatically rise (more than just from the poisoning and radiation TPTB promotes)

it probably isn't happening this cycle, but either in 11 years or 22 years after that, at the next solar maxima, we will see a micronova, almost certainly, and a pole shift, and all that fun stuff

hopefully Jesus son of Joseph will bring his fleet to evacuate the worthy who seek Glory