democracy can only work when the value of the property being decided on is held by those who have a vote, and their vote power is in proportion with the value (relative to the whole, the commonwealth)
neither parliamentary democracy nor modern, secular liberal democracy are valid applications of democracy because the main point is about stake... when you have none, your vote having a nonzero value means you can vote to have property reassigned to you, ex nihilo
the "greatness" of america was based on the right of ownership of property, and the voters were solely those who owned property, but even then it was weak, because they summarised the relative value, so you could get a vote out of a few square yards of dirt and make decisions about things that would affect those with thousands of times more
the only form of democracy existing in the modern world that actually follows the original principle is the votes of shareholders, and even there, the delegation of vote power to delegates is a dangerous step that requires a complicated process of disbarring a delegate and allowing reassignment of the vote power to a more preferred delegate
without stake, democracy is just a mob of violent people shouting
if i were to propose what i think would work as a government system it would be based on the UTXOs you control
you cast votes based on those utxo secret keys and it would be impossible to cheat it
since the money represents 50% of the economy, the stack you have reflects your power in the economy to move it to a different configuration, and this is more important than any other subjective value that would ultimately be denominated by its proportion of the total amount of sats held by people in that space
the only thing that would be required to make it work is a proof of geographical location with a zero knowledge proof, to protect your actual location... that's the hard part of how it would work... you could then make proposals that map over a geography arbitrarily and those who have claims in those zones would have the right to decide on ratifying them
i'm sure that this is much what will eventually come to be but it will take time for the need of it to become clear i think