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 Woke Panic: Civil Rights Groups Demand That Corporations Stop Cutting DEI Programs

Woke Panic: Civil Rights Groups Demand That Corporations Stop Cutting DEI Programs

            The invasion of woke ideology and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies into every facet of American life seemed to happen out of the blue starting in 2015-2016, but in reality the agenda had been quietly and insidiously slithering into western institutions for decades prior. 

Establishment controlled NGOs like the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and George Soros' Open Society Foundation had been pumping billions of dollars into US universities since at least the 1960s, launching social justice  programs and placing propagandists into teaching positions with the intent of "manufacturing consent" as Noam Chomsky once dubbed it.

The effort was to control the thinking of a top percentage of American professionals, turn them into rabid adherents of Cultural Marxism and globalism and then send them out into the world to create a progressive trickle-down effect in every major corporate and political institution.  In other words, the establishment believed that if they could dominate the professional class with their suits and lab coats and specialized degrees the rest of the public would blindly follow along due to "expert bias.".

As it turns out, they were wrong.


It took almost ten years to root out this tiny contingent of cult manipulators, but today the woke movement is well and thoroughly exposed.  Woke organizations and DEI departments are now in fast decline and even the activists are beginning to admit they're losing the battle for the minds of the masses.  Let's not forget, only a few years ago the political left denied the DEI agenda even existed and called anyone talking about it a "conspiracy theorist."

Big Tech companies like Meta and Google made https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/22/google-meta-other-tech-giants-cut-dei-programs-in-2023.html
 in popular entertainment, with only 27% of films and television promoting gay and trans characters (given these people make up less than 3% of the global population, this level of representation is still far too high).

The reason for this precipitous collapse of DEI programs is three-fold: 

First, after central banks hiked interest rates and ended QE programs the floodgates of ESG money closed and dried up.  Venture capital disappeared and woke companies then had to rely on pure profits to stay afloat. 

Second, the mass boycotting of woke companies proved beyond a doubt that there is no market for products that cater to DEI.  For many years we have been told that woke is the majority, and anti-woke is a fringe minority.  The truth is the exact opposite.  

Third, lawsuits over DEI hiring programs are forcing companies to admit there is an element of ant-white and anti-straight prejudice involved in their employment practices.  They are beginning to fear the backlash in civil courts, not to mention, hiring poorly qualified employees simply to check diversity boxes is a recipe for financial disaster. 

There's a good reason why the corporate media loses their minds every time there's a successful boycott of a product like Bud Light or a progressive series like Star Wars: The Acolyte - Each time this happens the event stands as proof that the political left is a paper tiger, a tiny minority with no power or influence beyond their ties to corporations and governments.  They are an astroturf movement created by psychopathic billionaires and politicians.

Consumers and the free market have spoken - They don't like DEI and will not buy DEI products.  But leftists insist the public is being "misled" by the right wing.  The only way they can keep the farce going is to continue to maintain DEI programs across the board despite public refusal to participate.  If corporate programs start to shut down then the entire facade is shattered.  DEI finally dies.

This is probably the motivation behind a recent push by the NAACP, the National Organization for Woman and other "civil rights" activist organizations to pressure companies to keep DEI departments in place.  At least 19 of these groups https://apnews.com/article/diversity-equity-inclusion-companies-civil-rights-7f6589d49d18716197ba525e97842815
 to corporate leaders of Fortune 1000 companies demanding that they stop cutting woke programs.

The groups claim that "companies that abandon their DEI programs are shirking their fiduciary responsibility to employees, consumers and shareholders." 

Their statement reads: 

“Diversity, equity and inclusion programs, policies, and practices make business-sense and they’re broadly popular among the public, consumers, and employees...But a small, well-funded, and extreme group of right-wing activists is attempting to pressure companies into abandoning their DEI programs...”

Leftists always gaslight by accusing their political opponents of engaging in the same kind of sabotage they engage in all the time.  In fact, these businesses only have a duty to their shareholders, and their shareholders are tired of losing money.  The "corporate citizen" narrative is not going to fly anymore in 2024. 

If there was a market for DEI then it wouldn't matter if conservatives were boycotting these companies.  If woke activists were anything other than an insignificant portion of the population then they would be buying up woke products like crazy and proving conservatives wrong.  But, they don't because they can't. 

In their letter, the civil rights organizations, which also included UnidosUS, the Urban League, Advocates for Trans Equality, the National Women’s Law Center and the American Association of People with Disabilities, said divesting from DEI would alienate a wide range of consumers.  Again, the opposite is true.  DEI propaganda and hiring practices have greatly degraded company performance, product quality and they have politicized consumer markets in a way that has greatly angered Americans.  Get woke, go broke.

It would be brand suicide to continue on this path, which is why so many companies are finally backing away.  However, is it too late?  Did corporations flirt with leftist ideology for too long and lose their customers forever?  Only time will tell.


Fri, 09/20/2024 - 18:00
