‘what decides the outcome of a war is politics, not the situation on the battlefield’
this is not philosophical opinion, but was actual experienced
when i don't have the same experience as someone else, i substitute what i can imagine
it's not perfect, but i can trace it
i was asked by the government to build a breakwater, and i carried it out
but the government changed its mind and i had to abandon it midway
once it was completed, people would have been able to live in a safe place
the persona like the opera fan who sympathizes with people who have suffered misfortune is gone
and things are no longer like a drama
what i had done and the future are not connected
my hope is sealed and feelings of helplessness remain here, frozen, forever
it’s heartbreaking for anyone to have the bricks they have stacked collapse by something they cannot control
i think utilizing what i have learned through these processes can save me
although i cannot understand it precisely, i will try to to see things from the perspective of the people involved rather than the audience
then i realize “hypocritical justice that is guided by simple diagrams" that i once had is foolish
i got new viewpoint