I'm sure you did man, youre one of the hardest working people I've had the pleasure of interacting with on this side of the internet. Using NIP05 to do this is a pretty cool idea like I said, I'm sure there's a ton more interesting stuff you've solved that you didn't talk about, I'd love to hear about some of it.
So I'm curious, you and I have both seen the terrible effect of admin fiefdoms in the fediverse over the years, you probably more than anyone else. You're not concerned about recreating that here? Turning relays into community servers, admins of community identities, youre not worried about block lists and flame wars and people getting booted from communities for having the wrong friends? A key getting blocked from fetching from a relay because their posts are on a specific "bad person" relay or anything like that? The fact that admins can't take your keys is wonderful, bit did you put any thought or work into trying to avoid all that mess from happening here?