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 The translations in damus are a great resource, maybe we could put them in some format that everyone on nostr could use @tyiu ? 
 A DVM maybe? 
 I was thinking just a csv 
 Ah you mean the UI translations? Yeah a csv then. 
 Yeah ui translations 
 Bonjour Will joyeux Noël l'idéal serait d'y associer Vitor j'ai noté que ceux qui utilisent Apple rencontrent des soucis pour traduire des notes émises d'appareils sous Android et la plupart n'hésite à demander de leur traduire des notes et d'autres passent à côté de certaines notes qui peuvent être intéressantes à se demander si ce n'est pas  une certaine paresse..A creuser sur Améthyst pas de soucis.. Joyeux Noël et j'espère surtout M'E a été gâté. 💜 
 Are you thinking of it as something another client could use verbatim to get translated app strings for free? Or more like a glossary so that translators of other clients know how to translate common Nostr terminology properly.

The former might be a bit difficult because each client may have different functionality so the copy won’t all match. The latter is definitely doable, though. Regardless, in spirit, it’s a nice idea. 
 Are your translations in standard .po files? A good model for this would be how the #Drupal open source project does it.

Check out https://localize.drupal.org

Not a direct comparison because different apps, but you’re right, everybody could benefit. 
 Damus is using Apple’s recently deprecated locale-specific .strings and .stringsdict file formats. I have a PR open that converts Nos.social from .strings to Apple’s new multilingual .xcstrings file format (effectively JSON) which was possible because Crowdin supports that format, but I haven’t done it for Damus yet because Transifex doesn’t support it yet. In any case, if this were to be done, some platform agnostic format should be used. 
 Im fine if we just convert any of these formats to csv or json. I want something simple that I can load into notedeck/android 
 Let me think about how to do this. Translations are no longer simple once you start dealing with plural rules. You’re using Rust, right? Is there a good Rust localization library? 
 For some reason translation don’t work for me using libretranslate.  Do I have something set wrong?  I’m on the TestFlight build https://image.nostr.build/4674c743cb77e4e644fe15ba55b136bea94a972061cdbd379eea2c5cbf938403.jpg  
 libretranslate has been broken forever, we just need to remove it. the wine one is best, I also wrote one which we’re providing as a damus purple feature so that it “just works” 
 Got it, ty sir. 
 Folks are welcome to try mine for a free alternative (it’s libretranslate, but hosted on my infra) it works. 

Wine uses DeepL which is much better, I’d also recommend it for important comms. 

It’d be pretty cool to see this on Damus Purple. Does Apple still not provide an API for on device translation Will? https://i.nostr.build/WJv3.jpg  
 You’re awesome for providing the translation server for free. Apple still does not expose a translation API, sadly. And Google’s local translation library is largely unmaintained and using a legacy stack that does not integrate with Damus (I’ve tried twice unsuccessfully). 
 You’re awesome for what you do. 

I could never scale it to take care of everyone. I leave it up for anyone who needs something to test against, or who just needs something “good enough” and can’t spend the money, etc. 

I’ve used Mazin and Katie’s service and can confirm it is excellent and they have done a lot to make it efficient. The way it was described to me it’s even better for the environment. 

People like y’all are the heroes of Nostr. I just press buttons and rent server space to let people try awesome open source creations. ❤️❤️❤️ 
 I built a deepl one for damus purple, you won’t need to mess with these setting once you are subscribed. It will just work. 
 That’s going to be a great feature, and DeepL has some great translations! I look forward to it!