9 principles of nature
How much I like the sound of this, there is so much wrong with these "prinicples". Nature is not holy, thats our valuation of it. Nature just is and thats.for me what makes it beautiful (and again thats my personal valuation). Please stop oversimplifying complexity, but do formulate lessons we can learn from nature as humanity. Again these lessons are probably largely formed by personal opinion 😉
1. Nature runs on energy, sunlight the prominent source on the surface of the earth, but not the only one.
2. Nature uses only the energy it needs. What do you mean by "needs", this is so wide and abstract you cannot disagree.
3. Nature fits form to function. Well, sexual selection is partly or even mainly driven by form, which thus has a function in itself. Also the way this is formulated anything can be defined as function.
4. Nature recycles everything. Recycling those not exist in nature, since everything is always nature.
5. Nature rewards cooperation. And it rewards competition, whats your point?
6. Nature banks on diversity. Nature is not conscious and does not "bank". Diversity is the best way to increase adaptation chances and thus survival. Lets learn from that
7. Nature demands local expertise. Again this is just adaption to surroundings, no conscious choice
8. Nature curbs excesses from within. Yes when there is an easy access to energy, it will be consumed.
9. Nature taps the power of limits. What do you mean by this?