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 While it was a joke, you should know that not everyone can start a business "just like that". You need capital and whatnot. And if everyone would start a business, you'd have no one to clean the streets, pick up strawberries and so on. You still need those people with "parasitic mindsets ". Thinking that a job that's paid unfairly is a choice? While some people say that <we all should have a side hustle>, they don't think that for others it means cleaning shit in other people's homes after 12 hours of hard physical work, just as an example. Can you tell me what would this do to one's soul? It's a rhetorical question. And please don't take it as me throwing crap at you, I just want to show you a different perspective and I genuinely hope to not offend you in any way. If somehow I did it, I apologise.