While I see the syntax of what you say, what is it's semantics?
I can only agree or disagree with this claim if it comes with the assumed definition of Zionism and anti semitic, specially as there are many definitions of anti semitic.
I remember seeing an article written in Times of Israel by
Moshe Mordechai van Zuiden in which he says that thinking of Jews as equals to the rest of humanity is anti semitic, because it would mean denying their role as the selected people of God. I can't agree with him.
It seems they have taken the article down, but here's the link:
Another definition of anti semitism is this the IHRA definition, made by Israeli lobby.
As I remember that Germans coined definitions of being anti-german to say that protecting Jews was anti German, I tend not to trust big poweful governments defining what is to be against their people.
See more the American Civil Liberties Union on this topic:
Moving on from the syntax vs semantics topic, I have read some books on Constitutional Law and General Theory of State, and found very clarifying to read that a State is defined by three distinct elements:
a) a People
b) a Territory
c) a government with power to remain sovereign by acting inwards and outwards of the territory.
I agree that being anti-Israel, if Israel is defined to be it's people as in the Bible, is anti semitic, but being against the politicians of Israeli State (government) is not the same as being against it's people.
I agree that Israel (as people and State) should exist, but the territory has to be proportionate to the amount of Jewish people living on the region legally just before the creation of the State (government) of Israel.
The definition of "legally" get difficult in practice if I consider the British colonial power at the time being legal or not.
Moreover, which is the way you consider proper to criticize actions of politicians in Israel? Only in a democracy it's possible to criticize it's politicians and governments. If not, that's not a democracy