Alot of the misunderstanding here is that Nostr devs think we are saying "here look our tech is better use it instead". In reality what we are saying is: "we wanted this system and it couldn't have been built with the same keys as Nostr, so we can't pretend to be a Nostr thing like Blossom, but hey it is still interesting, have a look." The smart people understand this and argue: 1. is what we built really interesting? or is Nip65 good enough? 2. If a DNS over DHT is interesting, can Nostr relay pool just evolve into a DHT? So we answer these questions by arguing that #1 is subjective, and if Nip65 is working for your needs you shouldn't care about Pkarr, but #2 you can't accidentally grow a DHT of millions or even 10s of thousands of nodes starting from expensive web servers, and even if you can it is entirely wasteful to try, and there are countless examples of DHT networks that can't grow to even 1000s of node despite being fancier than Mainline DHT. Basically Mainline is like Bitcoin, it is not something you can copy. That being said, if you think it is valuable, then start building the secp DHT today, because there is a very long road ahead of you.