Yeah I don’t necessarily believe all of that stuff. And hyperbitcoinization might not characteristically look like any of those things that bitcoiners might think. Again, I think it’s as simple as freedom tech, and adopting sound principles relative to sound money. I don’t think we need to add all of these additional things to it. I also think it’s been 13 years, and we can’t actually compare bitcoin directly to anything because nothing there’s simply nothing like it. We are just trying to build models around technology from the past, but this is radically different. So while I indirectly compare it to the internet, combustion engine, printing press, etc, I don’t think characteristically we can say they’re all the same. They will all follow their own adoption paths, and something that has the ability to disrupt the financial system will take longer considering more friction. I do think less banking will occur and more will use open applications for money and commerce, where they can send money just like they would a text message free of required of a centralized institution, but that may be more for the tech savvy. There will probably be LSP onboarding services which will reduce the friction of adoption for things like Lightning. Disrupting finance isn’t easy, but I’m still expecting that to occur, just maybe not in the exact what everyone is thinking.