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 Venezuela’s Maduro appeals to Wall Street and warns of “civil war” ahead of Sunday’s elections

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro appeals to Wall Street for stability and profits; US sanctions, mismanagement, and corruption have devastated the economy; Maduro tightens economic and military ties with Russia and China; US imperialism continues to starve the population into submission with sanctions; Sunday's elections will not resolve the political crises in Venezuela; warnings of "civil war" and threats to reject unfavorable results; US-backed opposition leaders refuse to recognize a victory of the PSUV; Maduro fears sections of the military will support regime change; Maduro warns of a bloodbath and civil war if opposition wins; US government negotiates the organization of presidential elections and backs right-wing candidate Edmundo Gonzalez; Maduro blocks participation of left-wing candidates; Maduro's policies have destroyed Venezuela's anti-imperialist and socialist credentials; Venezuelan working class at a crossroads; Trotsky's Theory of Permanent Revolution; workers and youth must fight for socialist revolution.

#Venezuela #Elections #UsSanctions #Maduro #UsbackedOpposition
