It's an interesting mix for sure, and I really don't think you're way out in left field with most of the points you've made. If anything I do appreciate the rational and metered response- those do tend to be rare on the Internet generally.
However I also think there are other factors at play as well. People make a lot of those points you've made about unions, by and large trying to illustrate the hardships unions create. Not enough people tend to talk about how unions have improved their lives, though. That's not to say all unions are perfect bastions of employee representation. However even people who aren't in unions have experienced higher wages or more vacation time because they work in fields where union presence is heavy and they have to compete in offerings to attract workers.
I think there are other methods of keeping billionaires stateside even in the worst of possible scenarios, such as something as extreme as an across the board flat tax.
Though I know those with influence and resources would always beg to differ, and they will continually do so via proxies on the Internet.