I'm condfident that the hate and harasment can be solved through better community and feed curation.
WOT - great even if computationally expensive for personal curation from a set of relays (low level)
relay mods - the judge with the hammer on who can or can't be in your park. (high level)
these are already great tools to help curate feeds. Right now, everyone on nostr is a community of enthusiasts, but its not super cohesive in ideals.
Smaller communities with tools for moderation (high and low level, cross level communication) will be the best defence for toxicity.
Take the reddit model of community - even your own relays are an approximation for a community. Take care of it and keep bad actors out, do it for all the communities you intersect with, even if you arent a leader.
That + WOT + relay moderation + user<->mod communications is how we find our niches and our communities on nostr.
Everyone will find the right community for them, even those we see as the most toxic.