Oddbean new post about | logout
 😮 you do i dont see the english going far even tho their players are good 
 Nahhh it’s definitely coming home this year ☺️🫂 out of curiosity though, who do you suspect will win? 
 France probably  
 Never 😱😂🤣😂🫂🫂🫂 we’ve got it this year, I can feel it ☺️ 
 Misinformation is a danger to out democracy  
 I think you’ve been misinformed! 
 Oi 🤣😂🫂 I know for a fact England will win cos I checked the stars last night and they said so. They were all ‘France is gonna come last and England are the champions, no time for losers cos we are the champions of the worlddddd’ or something to that effect ☺️ 
 They got. Some amazing players tho Bellingham is nuts 
 Yeahh he’s well fit ☺️💯🫂