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#PennedPossibilities 94 — What is your MC or SC's biggest secret?

My devil-girl MC ran away from home as soon as she was grown enough to masquerade as an adult. 

It didn't end well, at first, but she learned something about herself. A lot, actually. She had heart learned she could keep herself from ever being chattel again. 

She's an elite, a ruler in training, but with interest only in thaumaturgy, which her tutors refused to teach her. Being an ascetic runaway, camping or earning enough for a hostel so she could study her books, suits her well. 

People learned of her talents. They used her, but she didn't mind so long as she kept her secret secret, and still had her books and could read and practice her miracles at the end of the day. 

Found out to be this one specific high-value runaway, she'd be dragged home in chains.  She's certain it would be the death of her—

Or that of the person with the temerity to trap her.

[Author retains copyright.]


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