Been here since before the first “halvening” and one thing I can say for certain, is: I have never been more excited for an event in my life each time this happens. I think the best way to look at if you’re Bitcoin rich is, how much more Bitcoin do you have above the current Bitcoin subsidy? If you have had 6.25 BTC during this epoch, you were “Bitcoin Rich” 🤑 After today and after the new bottom that proceeds this bull, I’d say the new 3.125 subsidy will make you rich enough to buy a house.
What makes me think of this:
I heard in one of the 164928 documentaries on money that I have watched/listened to that gold has always been able to buy a man
An entire suit (including shirts and accessories like cuff links), a new tie and a new pair of shoes.
I think the then-current Bitcoin block subsidy will always buy you a home and acreage. I think the size of the home and acreage will adjust (probably up) over time, but I think the subsidy will ALWAYS buy you a nice house and some acreage in a modest neighborhood from here on out.