You climate change believers ask me to believe your theory that has no conclusive data, I tell you.
- Climate change has always existed, the climate has never been constant, only you say that the change that has occurred over the last 100 years is man's fault and you ignore the other part of the equation, that the climate has never been constant.
- you claim that co2 is bad, when the major explosions of life on earth have occurred with much higher concentrations of co2 in the atmosphere than now.
- You say that fossil fuels cause global warming and omit that the big problem with burning fossil fuels is cancer.
- You omit that any grade 3 volcanic eruption already contributes more to global warming than all the annual fossil fuel burning, and grade 3 volcanic eruptions occur several times a year.
- You omit the growth of the arctic ice mass.
- You never provide conclusive peer-reviewed studies, only hypotheses.
- You omit the conclusive studies where it is explained that the main factor influencing the earth's climate is the sun, obviously the sun is the main source of heat for the earth and the earth's orbit is affected by the variation of the orbits of the other planets which affects the incidence of the sun on our planet.
- You of course omit that in the end climate change is only about taxation and control.
On top of that you have a picture of climate change conferences where I deduce that you make money with it directly or indirectly.
And you expect us to believe you? Don't you realize that many people already know that you are just clowns who take advantage of the system and live off the money of others.