Rice cookers are excellent for making perfectly sticky sushi rice. Sushi rice is often short-grain white rice. This same rice is often mixed with 1/3 Jasmine rice when making fried rice, or entirely from long grain rices.
Frying rice before cooking is uncommon in America to my knowledge, however, it is used to accomplish arroz rojo, or red rice, used in Hispanic cuisine and TexMex.
Japanese sushi rice may include vinegar, salt/MSG, and sugar.
Fried rice will of course include more seasonings, potentially white pepper, egg, veg. You want to use a lighter soy sauce instead of a dark soy sauce like Kikkoman, which is more tuned for complimenting sushi.
tl;dr rice cookers won't season your food for you! They are great for convenience and scale. I will have to try out your recipe some time.