** Boost Your Tech Skills with Free Linux Resources Linux, a cornerstone of modern computing, offers numerous free resources for tech enthusiasts and professionals alike. From beginner-friendly introductions to advanced command-line mastery, these curated collections provide a comprehensive journey into the Linux ecosystem. Various courses, tutorials, and guides cover essential topics like GUI navigation, shell scripting, and system administration, helping learners acquire in-demand skills. Key resources include: * Introduction to Linux | Full Linux Course for Beginners * Hack The Kernel: Introduction To Operating Systems * Bash scripting tutorials (The Bash Tutorial | Linux Shell Scripting and Bash Notes for Professionals) * Mastering Linux Command Line | Programming & System Administration GetVM, a Google Chrome extension, offers interactive coding environments for instant hands-on learning. ** Source: https://dev.to/getvm/linux-learning-free-resources-to-power-up-your-tech-skills-1dd2