It is a complicated topic and most wives pretend like it isn't a problem, but the high female divorce rate and young womens' increasing reluctance to marry, speak for themselves.
It doesn't help much, to tell young women that they will benefit in 30 or 40 years because:
1) young women live in the moment and often have trouble imagining anything beyond a few years
2) they see lots of women who made the choice and then ended up alone, anyway
3) the caveat, that the effort is worth it only if the marriage is "healthy" is very discouraging, as they know so many people who have struggled with their marriages
4) a lot of them live geographically-separated from their parents, so the concept that children will "be around later" doesn't ring true to them.
People have been attempting to raise the appeal to young women with big, fancy weddings and bachelorette parties, and etc. but I don't know how effective that has been and young couples are increasingly too poor for that.