@samah can’t be stopped. If I gain 50 lbs this year, you’ll know why. https://i.nostr.build/Egwm.jpg
needs an #nsfw tag 🫣
Other than the crackers, that’s a fairly healthy board. Incredible work. Chef (preparer?)’s kiss.
Even they’re an alternative flour; gluten free.
is that caviar on the cheese block? well done, my compliments to the chef 🤙🏻🔥
It’s black truffle tapenade. Now I want caviar. 🫢
This is the way 🤝
Oh my! I have been looking for wild trout eggs. Are those local or is there a brand that you like?
Your post is generating a lot of interest. Added to the https://nostraco.in/hot feed
looks good 😊