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 Rolling out our first billboard campaign!

What do you guys think! https://image.nostr.build/89331590d72017daab1bf0f93bca919216703ec2e323a19015541d95cd13e018.jpg  
 I think it's a great one Fren 🌞 

#BTC #Zap⚡#Nostr #JulianAssangeIsFree 🔥🚀 
 Very nice. 
 Not particularly effective:

Seeeeems to be another dating app.

Don't assume people who don't already know what Zeus is can read your logo.

What the fuck is a "Node runner" the normie wonders, then dismisses, then forgets.

Apparently "Node runners" are competing with Muslims, Christians, etc.

May want to get a 2D barcode to the Play Store/App Store direct link.

Other than that, it's a start 👀 
 Most likely node runners wouldn't be a forgotten term if repeated in the future. If a person asks wtf is a node runner then the ad nailed it 
 Maybe. That's a big if and assumes even if they asked that they'd care if they found out 👀 
 lol, yeah the logo is definitely cryptic, the theme could be killer but no lightning bolts or big muscly dude and normies would understand "service providers" much better

also, i hope this isn't real, you guys are insane if you think that's gonna get more users/revenue 
 Can’t be asking your wife’s boyfriend how many sats you have 
 Woulda have gone with "i want to marry..." instead of only date, and maybe less provocative with the terms of nationalty and race, prolly some neutrals one like gamers, bikers, lawyers... 
 Ummm don’t you think you should have included bitcoin somewhere in there so people will know what it’s for? 
 What’s Bitcoin? 
 I meant zaps… 
even without bitcoin, it’s hard tell what the brand name is (for like most normies that never heard for Zeus) 
 Guys I think its a joke 
 Is this actually real or a Photoshop? Looks neat 
 Nah it is based on a real ad for dua 
 Let them be curious 👏 
 10x the budget. Full send. 
 maybe include "people who make bad memes about fake billboards" 
 impossible to read "zeus" 
 I’m a node so I’m guessing it’s ‘swipe right’ 
 I would write Bitcoiner, where you wrote Node runner. Then I would write Ukrainians the same size than Russians to not politicise it with bias. The Zeus Logo is to cryptic. I know. It's your logo. Maybe a QR Code to link to the iOS and Google shops plus clear text below the qr. (Sorry for my poor English) 
 Hard to tell what to search for. The font makes the name hard to read. Perhaps give them the Zeus Wallet website link. 
 If only... 
 As an ad, is it only directed to bitcoiners? I mean doesn't seem too appealing to the everyday person. 
 Where is the actual crypto dating app? 
 I think it is here. I have a list of hot girls on my DM.  
 Pics or it didn't happen :D 
 Can't read Zeus 😐 
 Cool. For the 0.01% node runners. The rest 99.99% will have no clue what this is about. 🤣  
 I’m simply runner😌