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 Congrats on the passing project!

UX (in my opinion) is the foundation of building anything.

I tend to look at it this way: how can I never lose (this/a) customer again?

That usually means putting myself in their shoes, actually walking and talking with them, have them experience “the thing” and give feedback.

Push them to give gnarly feedback…

Because when you solve for that 👆you are one step closer to wowing then.

WHICH brings me to…

Most UX is centered around “more” when what we need to center around is “closer” 

If we help clients and customers and users (etc) move closer to what THEY want…then it will be way easier to move closer to what we want (as the #business owner and #leader )

The caveat being: most innovation is stifled when too much emphasis is placed on what the customer wants; because most of the time they don’t actually know what that is or how to communicate it effectively.

This is why Steve Jobs famously built in a vacuum. Pure innovation comes from the gaps between dots.

While Microsoft and Nokia and Palm and Blackberry were trying to give customers what they wanted…Apple said “forget what they want…let’s give them what they don’t even know they need!” And boom the iPhone was born…

(👆all centered around UX) 😎