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 The Little Ice Age, spanning roughly the 14th-19th centuries, was a period of significant cooling that affected Europe & other parts of the world.

This temporary climate change led to the unjust murder of many tens of thousands of "witches."

But how did this happen, and why does it matter today?

Failing Crops & Famine? Blame a witch!

The colder temperatures of the Little Ice Age caused crops to fail and shortened growing seasons, leading to food shortages and famine.

Hungry & desperate populations searched for someone to blame...

Weather? No, no...
Witches? Yes, yes!

Economic Woes? Blame a witch!

As agriculture suffered, economic hardships ensued. In an attempt to explain the seemingly endless streak of misfortune, communities grew suspicious of those they believed were working against the common good.

“I’m poor and it’s your fault, witch!” https://i.nostr.build/K8Jl.jpg

Unusual Weather? Blame a witch!

The era witnessed extreme weather, from prolonged cold snaps to out-of-season storms. Such unpredictable events were frightening & seemed unnatural. 

“Surely someone is to blame…”

Natural climate change? No, no…
Witches? Yes, yes! https://i.nostr.build/9lJv.jpg

Need a Scapegoat? Blame a witch!

In the face of uncontrollable yet natural environmental changes, societies looked for scapegoats to explain their misfortunes.

Witches, often marginalized individuals like widows or those living outside societal norms, became convenient targets. https://i.nostr.build/RoX5.jpg

The timeline of the Little Ice Age intersected with deeply ingrained religious beliefs & superstitions. 

The notion that witches (normal people) could manipulate weather & ruin crops seemed reasonable.

It was inconceivable that this was simply natural climate change. https://i.nostr.build/rl4B.gif

Social & Political Control: 

The witch trials themselves became a method of exerting control & maintaining order during times of chaos.

Accusations & trials served to suppress dissent, sideline rivals, & consolidate power.

Speaking out against the government?!
Burn the WITCH! https://i.nostr.build/D2JV.png

The Little Ice Age created an atmosphere of desperation & uncertainty.

The climate was changing & they had no way to understand it. 

They wanted answers.
They wanted solutions.

The witch trials emerged as an unfortunate consequence of the inability to accept natural change. https://i.nostr.build/7jJ3.jpg

Today we think of ourselves as less superstitious & more grounded in reality & "The Science" than 14th century peasants. But are we?

Or have we simply grown even more certain of our ability as humans to play god & know the truth, believing with certainty we have all the answers? https://i.nostr.build/kLva.jpg

Are we more enlightened than the uneducated masses burning witches during the Little Ice Age? 

Or are we more educated, but just as confused and lost?

Are we searching for the truth, or are we simply searching for meaning?

Do we want to find solutions, or just scapegoats? https://i.nostr.build/5aJy.jpg